Your membership is very important to Carnmore GAA. Currently we have over 300 registered members of all ages with more people joining us each and every year. As a member you have a chance to really get involved in all that Carnmore GAA has to offer, including fundraising, various committees, teams and GAA run coaching courses.
For registered members your membership entitles you have a vote at club meetings such as AGM's. You will also be included on our email list and be first to hear of any news or events. Carnmore GAA will also fund any GAA training courses members wish to take also. Many of our members have completed these courses and gone on to coach our juvenile teams.
For players membership is compulsory, the club operate a strict no membership no play policy for insurance purposes. Players without membership are not covered by the GAA Injury Fund in the event of injury. It is also important to note that on receiving a player's membership fee that that player is not covered for three days until after it has been registered on the system.
In the event of an injury please download the injury claim from here and submit it to the club secretary within 60 days of the injury. Claims received after 60 days are null and void. Please also be aware that the GAA Injury Fund is not an insurance. Its sole purpose is to reimburse out of pocket expenses you claim from your own health insurance.
For all members wishing to work with children in any capacity including teens up to the age of 18 Garda Vetting is compulsory. Garda Vetting forms can be sent to John Geraghty. All other queries related to this process can be directed to John Geraghty also.